イスラエル外務省が東京の大使館職員家族を本国に呼び戻す 「ハ・アレツ」紙報道

著者: 浅川 修史 あさかわ・しゅうし : 在野研究者


 日本の朝日新聞に相当する「ハ・アレツ」(紙名はヘブライ語で、THE PEOPLEという語感)紙英語版は、下記のように報道した。「原発爆発と関係ない」としている。



Israel recalls diplomats’ families from Japan, says no connection to nuclear fears

Sources say Foreign Ministry had pulled non-essential staff out of desire to give them a break from wave of aftershocks and stressful situation.

The families of a number Israeli diplomats stationed at the embassy in Tokyo returned home on Monday, as Japan struggled to contend with waves of aftershocks and a humanitarian crisis following the earthquake and tsunami over the weekend.

Foreign Ministry sources said the return of the families was not connected to fears of a nuclear crisis or concerns of radioactive leaks, but rather a desire to give them some “temporary rest and relaxation” from having to contend with aftershocks.

The couples and the children need to run outside a few days a night because of aftershocks,” said the source. “It’s a stressful situation and not pleasant, so we though it would be appropriate to let them come back home for a few days.”

The Foreign Ministry recently release a travel advisory to Israelis, warning them to avoid the crisis-hit regions of Japan, particularly those near nuclear reactors.

〈記事出典コード〉サイトちきゅう座 http://www.chikyuza.net/
