国連特別報告者 日本における表現の自由に関して懸念を表明 | 反差別国際運動(IMADR)
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression on his mission to Japan in English – A_HRC_35_22_Add.1_AUV_Report-of-SR-on-freedom-of-opinion-and-expression-on-his-mission-to-Japan.pdf
C. Election campaigns and public demonstrations
71.. The Special Rapporteur calls for revisions to bring the Public Office Election Act into compliance with international human rights law, by repealing provisions that impose disproportionate restrictions on political campaign activities.
72. Based on his visit and information subsequently received in connection with the visit, the Special Rapporteur is particularly concerned about the pressures placed on public protest in Okinawa. While he understands the pressures placed upon them, public authorities, especially law enforcement, should make every effort to enable such protest and dissent, including the coverage of such activities by the media. Public demonization of protesters, including by disproportionate penalties imposed on them, undermine the fundamental freedom all Japanese enjoy to express their opposition to public policies.
〈記事出典コード〉サイトちきゅう座 https://chikyuza.net/