MAY 23, 2016
Joseph Gerson, American Friends Service Committee, 617-216-0576, jgerson@afsc.org
Peter Kuznick, American University, 301-320-6961, pkuznick@aol.com
Kevin Martin, Peace Action, 301-537-8244, kmartin@peace-action.org
Over Seventy Prominent Scholars and Activists Call on Obama to Take Concrete Action in Hiroshima
The President Should Meet with A-Bomb Survivors, Announce Initiatives to Reduce Nuclear Weapons
WASHINGTON, DC – Over seventy prominent scholars and activists, including Oliver Stone, Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg, signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to visit with Hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors, and to announce concrete steps toward nuclear disarmament when he visits Hiroshima this Friday after the Group of Seven economic summit in Japan.ワシントン、DC-オリバー・ストーン、ノーム・チョムスキー、ダニエル・エルズバーグら70人以上の著名な学者や運動家たちが、オバマ大統領がG7サミット後金曜日(5月27日)に広島を訪問する際に、被爆者と面会すること、そして核軍縮のための具体的な手段を発表するよう強く求めるレターに署名した。
American University Professor Peter Kuznick remarked, “This is an extraordinary moment. President Obama can either use it to further the cause of world peace and nuclear disarmament or he can use it as a cover for his militarization of the conflict with China and his trillion dollar nuclear modernization program to make nuclear weapons more usable. Such an opportunity may never come for him again.”アメリカン大学教授のピーター・カズニックは言った。「これはまたとない機会である。オバマ大統領はこの機会を、世界平和と核軍縮の目的をさらに進めるために使うこともできるし、あるいは、中国との紛争に対する軍事化、核兵器をより使用可能にするための1兆ドルもの近代化計画の隠れみのとして利用することも可能だ。このような機会はもう二度と訪れないかもしれない。」
The signers expressed support for the president’s visit to Hiroshima, but advocated further action to fulfill the promise to reduce nuclear weapons outlined in his 2009 Prague speech. Despite the significant achievement of the Iran nuclear deal and successes in securing and reducing nuclear weapons grade material globally, the president’s Prague agenda has been mostly stalled since the 2010 New START agreement with Russia, with no further nuclear weapons reductions. The letter is online athttps://peaceblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/22/seventy-prominent-scholars-and-activists-urge-obama-to-meet-hibakusha-take-further-steps-on-nuclear-disarmament/ 署名者たちは大統領の広島行きに支持を表明しているが、2009年の「プラハ演説」でその概要を述べた核兵器削減の約束を果たすためのさらなる行動を訴えた。イラン核合意や、世界的な核兵器級核物質削減といった意義深い成果にもかかわらず、大統領のプラハ計画は2010年ロシアと合意に至った新戦略兵器削減条約(New START)以来それ以上の核兵器削減はなく、行き詰っている。このレターはインターネット上にはここにアップしてある。https://peaceblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/22/seventy-prominent-scholars-and-activists-urge-obama-to-meet-hibakusha-take-further-steps-on-nuclear-disarmament/
Joseph Gerson, of the Quaker peace organization American Friends Service Committee, said, “The U.S. is on track to spend a trillion dollars over thirty years on the next generation of nuclear weapons and delivery systems. President Obama should cancel this spending, revitalize disarmament diplomacy by announcing a reduction of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, and challenge Russian President Putin to join in beginning negotiations to create the nuclear weapons-free world promised in Prague and required by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.” クエーカーの平和団体「アメリカンフレンズ奉仕委員会」のジョセフ・ガーソンはこう語る。「米国はむこう30年間に次世代核兵器とその運搬システムに1兆ドルをつぎ込もうとしている。オバマ大統領はこのような出費を中止し、米国の核兵器備蓄量削減を発表することによって軍縮外交を再活性化させ、プラハで約束しそして核不拡散条約が規定している核兵器なき世界をつくるための交渉を始めるよう、ロシアのプーチン大統領に働きかけるべきである。」
Today’s letter follows a similar statement by U.S. religious leaders, released last week, available athttps://peaceblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/18/religious-leaders-urge-obama-to-make-good-on-his-prague-commitment/ 今日のこのレターは先週米国の宗教指導者たちによって発表された相似する声明に続くものである(リンクはhttps://peaceblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/18/religious-leaders-urge-obama-to-make-good-on-his-prague-commitment/)。
One of the letter’s organizers, Kevin Martin, President of Peace Action, noted, “President Obama still has time to move boldly on his Prague agenda before he leaves office. He no doubt will be deeply moved by visiting Hiroshima, as Secretary of State John Kerry was, and if the president acts to further reduce the menace of nuclear weapons, he will have strong, grateful support worldwide.”このレターのまとめ役の一人、「ピース・アクション」代表のケビン・マーティンはこのように言う。「オバマ大統領はまだ退任前にプラハ計画を大胆に推し進める時間がある。ジョン・ケリー国務長官がそうであったようにオバマ大統領は広島に行くことで深く心を動かされるであろうことは間違いない。そして大統領が核兵器の脅威を減らすためにさらなる行動を取ったら、世界中から感謝され、強い支持を得るであろう。」
May 23, 2016
President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington, DC
Dear Mr. President 大統領閣下、
We were happy to learn of your plans to be the first sitting president of the United States to visit Hiroshima later this month, after the G-7 economic summit in Japan. Many of us have been to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and found it a profound, life-changing experience, as did Secretary of State John Kerry on his recent visit. 今月末、日本でのG7サミットの後、米国現職大統領として初めての広島訪問の計画を聞いて私たちは嬉しく思いました。私たちのうち多くは広島と長崎に行ったことがあり、その体験は、最近訪問したジョン・ケリー国務長官が語ったと同様、深遠で人生が変わるようなものでした。
In particular, meeting and hearing the personal stories of A-bomb survivors, Hibakusha, has made a unique impact on our work for global peace and disarmament. Learning of the suffering of the Hibakusha, but also their wisdom, their awe-inspiring sense of humanity, and steadfast advocacy of nuclear abolition so the horror they experienced can never happen again to other human beings, is a precious gift that cannot help but strengthen anyone’s resolve to dispose of the nuclear menace.
Your 2009 Prague speech calling for a world free of nuclear weapons inspired hope around the world, and the New START pact with Russia, historic nuclear agreement with Iran and securing and reducing stocks of nuclear weapons-grade material globally have been significant achievements.
2009年、大統領が「核兵器なき世界」を訴えた「プラハ演説」は、世界中に希望を抱かせるものでした。そしてロシアとの「新戦略兵器削減条約(New START)」、歴史的なイランとの核合意、世界中の核兵器級核物質備蓄の安全を確保し削減することなど、意義深い成果がありました。
Yet, with more than 15,000 nuclear weapons (93% held by the U.S. and Russia) still threatening all the peoples of the planet, much more needs to be done. We believe you can still offer crucial leadership in your remaining time in office to move more boldly toward a world without nuclear weapons.
In this light, we strongly urge you to honor your promise in Prague to work for a nuclear weapons-free world by
· Meeting with all Hibakusha who are able to attend;
· Announcing the end of U.S. plans to spend $1 trillion for the new generation of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems;
· Reinvigorating nuclear disarmament negotiations to go beyond New START by announcing the unilateral reduction of the deployed U.S. arsenal to 1,000 nuclear weapons or fewer;
· Calling on Russia to join with the United States in convening the “good faith negotiations” required by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty for the complete elimination of the world’s nuclear arsenals;
· Reconsidering your refusal to apologize or discuss the history surrounding the A-bombings, which even President Eisenhower, Generals MacArthur, Arnold, and LeMay and Admirals Leahy , King, and Nimitz stated were not necessary to end the war.
1. Gar Alperovitz, Co-Chair of The Next System Project, former Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political-Economy at the University of Maryland, and author of The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam.
ガー・アルペロビッツ、「ネクスト・システム・プロジェクト」共同代表、メリーランド大学元教授、『The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam』(日本語版は『原爆投下の内幕―悲劇のヒロシマナガサキ』)著者
2. Christian Appy, Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, author of American Reckoning: The Vietnam War and Our National Identity
クリスチャン・アッピー、マサチューセッツ大学アマースト校歴史学教授、『American Reckoning: The Vietnam War and Our National Identity[アメリカン・レコニング―ベトナム戦争と我々の国家アイデンティティ]』著者
3. Colin Archer, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau
4. Charles K. Armstrong, Professor of History, Columbia University
5. Medea Benjamin, Co-founder, CODE PINK, Women for Peace and Global Exchange
6. Phyllis Bennis, Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies
フィリス・ベニス、シンクタンク「Institute for Policy Studies(政策学研究所)」研究員
7. Herbert Bix, Emeritus Professor of History and Sociology, State University of New York at Binghamton
8. Norman Birnbaum, University Professor Emeritus, Georgetown University Law Center
9. Reiner Braun, Co-President, International Peace Bureau
10. Philip Brenner, Professor of International Relations and Director of the Graduate Program in US Foreign Policy and National Security, American University
11. Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation; National Co-convener, United for Peace and Justice
12. James Carroll, Author of An American Requiem
13. Noam Chomsky, Professor (emeritus), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
14. David Cortright, Director of Policy Studies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame and former Executive Director, SANE
15. Frank Costigliola, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, University of Connecticut
16. Bruce Cumings, Professor of History, University of Chicago
17. Alexis Dudden, Professor of History, University of Connecticut
18. Daniel Ellsberg, Former State and Defense Department official
19. John Feffer, Director, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies
ジョン・フェッファー、シンクタンク「Institute for Policy Studies(政策学研究所)」ディレクター
20. Gordon Fellman, Professor of Sociology and Peace Studies, Brandeis University
21. Bill Fletcher, Jr., Talk Show Host, Writer & Activist
ビル・フレッチャーJr, トークショーホスト、著述家、運動家
22. Norma Field, professor emerita, University of Chicago
23. Carolyn Forché, University Professor, Georgetown University
24. Max Paul Friedman, Professor of History, American University
25. Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
26. Lloyd Gardner, Professor of History Emeritus, Rutgers University, author of Architects of Illusion and The Road to Baghdad
ロイド・ガードナー、ラトガーズ大学歴史学名誉教授、『Architects of Illusion[幻想の設計者]』、『The Long Road to Baghdad[バグダッドへの長い道のり]』著者
27. Irene Gendzier Prof. Emeritus, Department of of History, Boston University
28. Joseph Gerson, Director, American Friends Service Committee Peace & Economic Security Program, author of With Hiroshima Eyes and Empire and the Bomb
ジョセフ・ガーソン、「アメリカン・フレンズ・サービス委員会」平和と経済の安全保障プログラム部長、『With Hiroshima Eyes[広島の目とともに]』、『Empire and the Bomb[帝国と爆弾]』著者
29. Todd Gitlin, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
30. Andrew Gordon, Professor of History, Harvard University
31. John Hallam, Human Survival Project, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Australia
32. Mary Hanson Harrison, President Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section
33. Melvin Hardy, Heiwa Peace Committee, Washington, DC
34. Laura Hein, Professor of History, Northwestern University
35. Martin Hellman, Member, US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
36. Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
37. Paul Joseph, Professor of Sociology, Tufts University
38. Louis Kampf, Professor of Humanities Emeritus MIT
39. Michael Kazin, Professor of History, Georgetown University
40. Asaf Kfoury, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Boston University
41. G Peter King, Honorary Associate, Government & International Relations School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Sydney, NSW
42. David Krieger, President Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
43. Peter Kuznick, Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, author of Beyond the Laboratory
ピーター・カズニック、アメリカン大学歴史学教授および核問題研究所所長、『Beyond the Laboratory[実験室を超えて]』著者
44. John W. Lamperti, Professor of Mathematics Emeritus, Dartmouth College
45. Steven Leeper, Co-founder PEACE Institute, Former Chairman, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
46. Robert Jay Lifton, MD, Lecturer in Psychiatry, Columbia University, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, The City University of New York
47. Elaine Tyler May, Regents Professor, Departments of American Studies and History
University of Minnesota, Author of Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era
エレイン・タイラー・メイ、ミネソタ大学アメリカ学部およびアメリカ史学部教授、『Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era[家路に向けて:冷戦時代のアメリカの家族]』著者
48. Kevin Martin, President, Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund
49. Ray McGovern, Veterans For Peace, Former Head of CIA Soviet Desk and Presidential Daily Briefer
50. David McReynolds, Former Chair, War Resister International
51. Zia Mian, Professor, Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University
52. Tetsuo Najita, Professor of Japanese History, Emeritus, University of Chicago, former president of Association of Asian Studies
53. Sophie Quinn-Judge, Retired Professor, Center for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture and Society, Temple University
54. Steve Rabson, Professor Emeritus of East Asian Studies, Brown University, Veteran, United States Army
55. Betty Reardon, Founding Director Emeritus of the International Institute on Peace Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
56. Terry Rockefeller, Founding Member, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, United for Peace & Justice
57. David Rothauser Filmmaker, Memory Productions, producer of “Hibakusha, Our Life to Live” and “Article 9 Comes to America
デイビッド・ロスハウザー、映画監督(『ヒバクシャ わが人生』、『9条アメリカに来る』)
58. James C. Scott, Professor of Political Science and Anthropology, Yale University, ex-President of the Association of Asian Studies
59. Peter Dale Scott, Professor of English Emeritus, University of California, Berkleley and author of American War Machine
60. Mark Selden, Senior Research Associate Cornell University and editor, Asia-Pacific Journal
61. Martin Sherwin, Professor of History, George Mason University, Pulitzer Prize for American Prometheus
マーティー・シャーウィン、ジョージ・メイソン大学歴史学教授、『American Prometheus』(日本語版は『オッペンハイマー』)でピューリッツァー賞受賞
62. John Steinbach, Hiroshima Nagasaki Committee
63. Oliver Stone, Academy Award-winning writer and director
64. David Swanson, director of World Beyond War
65. Max Tegmark, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Founder, Future of Life Institute
66. Ellen Thomas, Proposition One Campaign Executive Director, Co-Chair, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (US) Disarm/End Wars Issue Committee
67. Michael True, Emeritus Professor, Assumption College, is co-founder of the Center for Nonviolent Solutions
68. David Vine, Professor, Department of Sociology, American University
69. Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament,2009 Laureate, Right Livelihood Award
70. Jon Weiner, Professor Emeritus of History, University of California Irvine
71. Lawrence Wittner, Professor of History emeritus, SUNY/Albany
72. Col. Ann Wright, US Army Reserved (Ret.) & former US diplomat
73. Marilyn Young, Professor of History, New York University
74. Stephen Zunes, Professor, University of San Francisco
(In the alphabetical order of family namesファミリーネームのアルファベット順)