Japan’s Historical Blinders 日本による歴史の目隠し
Apology for World War II Sex Slaves Is Again at Issue 第二次世界大戦時性奴隷への謝罪が再び論争になる [訳者注:ここでの「謝罪」は河野談話を指す。]
At a time when constructive relations between Japan and South Korea are more important than ever to Asian security, the two countries, allies of the United States, have been unable to put a difficult history behind them. Unfortunately, that seems unlikely to change soon given the release on Friday of a Japanese report on World War II sex slaves.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe used the report’s release to reaffirm Japan’s commitment to a 1993 statement admitting for the first time that thousands of women from Korea and other countries had been coerced into providing sex to Japanese soldiers and apologizing for those atrocities. But if this was supposed to calm tensions with South Korea it misfired, because the report appeared to raise doubts about the accuracy of the 1993 apology. It said the apology resulted from intense behind-the-scenes negotiations with South Korea and seemed to question whether it was based on solid evidence.
安倍晋三首相はこの報告書の発表をもって、1993年の談話へのコミットメントを再確認した。その談話は、朝鮮半島や他の国々から何千あるいは何万もの[訳者注:英語では thousandsなので、意味は「何千」でも「何万」でもあり得る]女性が日本兵に性を提供することを強いられたことを初めて認め、これらの残虐行為に対して謝罪したものだ。しかしこの報告書が韓国との緊張を和らげることを意図されたとしたらそれは失敗に終わった。この報告書は1993年の談話の正確さに疑いを抱いているように見えるものだったからだ[訳者注:この社説では the apology 「謝罪」というのは河野談話そのものを指しているのでこの訳文ではわかりやすいように「河野談話」「談話」と訳している]。この報告書は、河野談話が舞台裏における韓国との激しい交渉の結果生まれたものであると言っており、確実な証拠に基づいたものであるかどうかに疑問を呈しているように見えるものだった。
Many historians outside of Japan agree that the Japanese military forced women to work in brothels, yet Japanese nationalists continue to insist the women were prostitutes and were not forced into servitude by the authorities.
Mr. Abe has done an injustice to the victims of this wartime crime and hurt his country by pandering to a narrow nationalist political fringe in ordering up the report in the first place. During his first time as prime minister, in 2006 and 2007, he endorsed the nationalists’ position; during his second tenure, which began in late 2012, he signaled that he might seek to revise the apology. Subsequent statements, including Mr. Abe’s insistence in March that he shared his predecessors’ “heartache” over the women’s plight, have done little to calm South Korean apprehensions. For South Koreans the report – by revealing the consultations between the two governments when the 1993 statement was being drafted – shows that Japan has never been sincere about the apology. Consultations are crucial for relations between countries, especially on sensitive issues, and it is perverse that talks would be cast in a negative light.
Japanese nationalists will undoubtedly use the report to push the government to retract the apology. It’s time Mr. Abe made it clear to his country and to the world that the “deniers” are wrong. His continued willingness to play to that political fringe is interfering with Japan’s ability to carry on its leading role in the region. Any reasonable American strategy for managing China’s increasingly aggressive actions in Asia depends heavily on cooperation with Japan and South Korea.
This is also an especially awkward time for Japan to leave any doubts about the issue of its wartime sex slaves. There has been increasing and proper attention focused by the international community on sexual violence in armed conflict; governments and human rights groups have demanded that offenders be prosecuted and victims cared for.
At a conference on that issue in London this month, the head of the Japanese delegation, Nobuo Kishi, Mr. Abe’s brother, said: “Sexual violence is a crime. It is important to eliminate the culture of impunity against the perpetrators and to change our mind-sets.” As a democracy and the world’s third-largest economy, Japan cannot be seen as trying to rewrite its past.