私たち日本ビジュアル・ジャーナリスト協会(JVJA)は、「IS( イスラム国) による日本人人質事件に対する声明」で2人の解放を呼びかけてきましたが、湯川遥菜さんが殺害された可能性が高いことから、以下、緊急メッセージをイスラム国および日本政府に届けたいと思います。
日本ビジュアル・ジャーナリスト協会 (JVJA)
Emergency Statement Calling for the Release of Kenji Goto
We, the Japan Visual Journalist Association (JVJA), in our previous “Statement on IS (Islamic State) Japanese Hostage Incident” called for the release of the two Japanese hostages. However, due to the high possibility that Haruna Yukawa has been killed, we now make the following emergency statement to the Islamic State and the Government of Japan.
Upon seeing the image of Kenji Goto holding a photograph thought to be of the body of Haruna Yukawa posted on the internet on January 24, we were filled with regret and sorrow. We had been appealing through our statement that violence can not resolve anything, however regrettably this wish was trampled upon.
Yet, we continue to appeal for the release of the remaining Kenji Goto. We call on the Islamic State and the Government of Japan to engage in sincere negotiations. According to the released image and recorded voice message, the Islamic State is seeking to enter negotiations with the Government of Japan; and the Government of Japan has also expressed that human life is the top priority. Non-violent dialogue between the two parties is fully possible.
Finally, if it is true that Haruna Yukawa has been killed, we express our deepest condolences, and pray that he will be the last to be sacrificed. We also sincerely pray that all Arab people living in the midst of conflict be released from their suffering.
January 25, 2015
Japan Visual Journalist Association (JVJA)
〈記事出典コード〉サイトちきゅう座 http://www.chikyuza.net/