東京大空襲76周年 第15回朝鮮人犠牲者追悼会(3月13日午前11時から東京都慰霊堂にて開催。主催は「東京大空襲朝鮮人犠牲者を追悼する会」)が先程終わりました。オンラインで参加しました。ここに動画がアップされています。このような催しがあったことさえ今年まで知らず、大変恥ずかしい気持ちがしています。一晩で10万人以上が虐殺された東京下町空襲(1945年3月10日未明)では、朝鮮人の犠牲者は1万人にも上ると言われています。広島や長崎の原爆投下と同様、1割ぐらいの人たちが朝鮮人だったのです。植民地支配のゆえに日本に来た・連れてこられた人たちはここでも、被災させられ、差別により被害が増大するという、二重、三重の被害を受けました。この歴史を深く胸に刻みたいと思います。
詳しくはこちらのブログへ https://tokyosinsoutyousa.hatenablog.com/
I just attended the 15th ceremony to remember the Korean victims of the March 10, 1945 Tokyo Air Raid on-line. Held from 11 AM to 12 PM at Tokyo-to Irei-do, at Yokoamicho Park, near Ryogoku Station. The speeches were all profound and the live music is magnificent.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyOWfesJTAw
Tokyo Air Raid, which killed over 100,000 civilians in two hours or so, is a largely forgotten atrocity, even by the locals, and especially this year, the anniversary seems to be overshadowed by the 10th of 311 Earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster. It is estimated that as many as 10,000 Koreans were killed in the Air Raid. Like the Korean victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, they were victimized first by being mobilized to Japan under the colonial rule, then attacked by the bombs targeted at Japan, then suffered even more than Japanese victims because of the continuing discrimination and lack of support. The ceremony was conducted mostly in Korean and Japanese, but everybody can hear the very moving music.