現在までのところ、参加を決定した団体 : Abolition des Armes Nucléaires – Maison de Vigilance, Association Des Rencontres de l’Objection de Croissance, Attac France, Collectif Arrêt du Nucléaire, Collectif contre l’ordre atomique, Confédération Paysanne, CSFR, EchoEchanges, ICAN France, Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire, Stop Fessenheim, Syndicat National de l’Environnement – Fédération Syndicale Unitaire, Union Syndicale Solidaires, IndependentWHO, Appel du 26•4, Brut de Béton
On the road tothe Antinuclear World Social Forum 2017
Since the first World Social Forum (WSF) held at Porto Alegre in 2001, the anti-globalization movement has expanded and consolidated. Several WSFs took place in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa and, in August 2016, in North America. New themes enriched this dynamic. In 2013 and 2015, nuclear issues have been the subject of several workshops and the first Antinuclear Social Forum was held in spring 2016 in Tokyo, where a « Call for a nuclear-free world network » was launched. In Montréal, the second Antinuclear Forum took place within the WSF.
Since France is the most nuclearized country in the world in proportion to the number of inhabitants, French antinuclear organizations thought it relevant to host the next Antinuclear WSF in France, from 2 to 4 November 2017, in Paris.
In France, during the last few years, an uninterrupted succession of resounding failures occurred: Areva was saved from bankruptcy thanks to government intervention; frauds in the construction of vapour generators and reactor vessel have led to the shutdown of a large part of the nuclear plants for security reasons; EDF adventures in EPR projects (Olkiluoto, Flamanville, Hinkley Point) endanger its financial health.
All over the world, nuclear has generated unmanageable problems. Radioactive wastes are here for thousands of years, and their management is now imposed on future generations. However, shouldn’t we stop their production first? The extraction of uranium in third world countries is a major source of pollution, the first victims of which are the mining workers. The health of nuclear maintenance employees is threatened by radiation exposure. The catastrophes of Mayak, Windscale, Three Mile Island, Tchernobyl and Fukushima, have shown how this activity is a source of unmanageable nuisances. Nonetheless, authorities supposed to protect victims actually try to force populations to live in contaminated areas (Ethos program).
How to put an end to this activity which, from material extraction to waste management, is life-threatening? How to avoid a new major disaster? How to firmly engage ourselves on the path to the energy transition?
Contrary to what is claimed by nucleocrats, the development of nuclear energy cannot be a solution to global warming, not only because this activity also emits greenhouse gases (extraction, construction, transport, dismantling, storage) but especially because it would be necessary to construct hundreds of nuclear reactors to meet energy needs, which would greatly increase the risks of accident, wastes and proliferation. Which strategies would allow us to stop quickly the production of nuclear power, together with to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin?
Links between civil and military nuclear are numerous. The former contributes to the proliferation of the latter, with often the same actors, e.g. in France: Areva, CEA and EDF.
In addition to being expensive, the nuclear deterrence policy is criminal. It is in contravention of a UN resolution that condemns the use of nuclear weapons, considered as a crime against humanity. The bomb has caused more deaths in the course of its development than by its use and North hemisphere is still covered with persistant radioactivity resulting from nuclear tests in the 1960’s. Will the opening of negotiations, at the UN in 2017, for a treaty banning nuclear weapons be a decisive step towards a world free of nuclear weapons?
For those issues to be debated, we invite you to attend an international meeting. We will share our experiences and discuss together on the means to make possible the emergence of a world free of nuclear weapons and nuclear power generation.
Dear friends,
The next thematic World Social Forum “Towards a nuclear-free world, neither civil nor military” will be held in Paris in November 2017. It follows up the previous Tokyo and Montreal events held in 2016. Its construction is progressing well, under the impetus of the Facilitation Committee and the Permanent Assembly, each comprised of French antinuclear organisations (*). You can find in attachment the call text approved by the Permanent Assembly. In accordance with WSF practices, it is time to constitute and convene an International Assembly of organisations interested in being involved in the forum construction. A first meeting is scheduled to be in Paris on April 1, 2017 to discuss the work in progress and guide the next stages of the construction.
That is why you receive this invitation to participate in this International Assembly and to attend the first meeting.
If your organisation is interested in joining the Assembly and able to send a delegate at the meeting of 1st April, please reply by email at the address below before March 1, 2017, with following information (you will be soon informed about the exact location and the agenda of the meeting):
Reply to: ia.wsf.nonuke.2017@gmail.com
– Organisation (country):
– Is interested in being member of the International Assembly: yes / no
– will send a delegate at the first meeting on April 1 in Paris: yes / no
– Name of the delegate:
– Contact Email:
(*) Organisations involved to date: Abolition des Armes Nucléaires – Maison de Vigilance, Association Des Rencontres de l’Objection de Croissance, Attac France, Collectif Arrêt du Nucléaire, Collectif contre l’ordre atomique, Confédération Paysanne, CSFR, EchoEchanges, ICAN France, Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire, Stop Fessenheim, Syndicat National de l’Environnement – Fédération Syndicale Unitaire, Union Syndicale Solidaires