A Letter to The Globe and Mail from Three Article 9 Advocate Groups in Canada 日本の軍国化を賛美する記事にカナダ三大都市の「9条の会」が反論

Tomoe Otsuki’s rebuttal on behalf of Article 9 groups in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver to the February 2 The Globe and Mail article “A resurgent Japan can ensure lasting peace in Asia” by Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies of an Indian think-tank Centre for Policy Research, was printed in the “Letters to the Editor” section (A12) of the paper today. カナダのクオリティー・ペーパーとして知られる『グローブ・アンド・メール』紙が2月2日、インドのシンクタンクの研究者が「再起する日本はアジアの恒久平和を確実にする」という題で日本の安保法制制定や武器輸出解禁を賛美する記事を掲載したことに対し、カナダの3大都市の「9条の会」からの反論の投書が2月10日に掲載された。


Here is the entire letter.

Japan’s pacifism

Brahma Chellaney advocates Japan’s recent departure from postwar pacifism as a precondition for peace in Asia (A Resurgent Japan Can Ensure Lasting Peace In Asia, Feb. 2). However, he fails to grasp the political conditions in Japan and neighbouring countries. Recent polls show that 75 per cent of the Japanese public are dissatisfied with the government ramming through legislation that would allow “self-defence forces” more active military roles outside Japan, and only 38 per cent support revision of the pacifist constitution.

With the constitutional pledge that renounces war (known as Article 9), the people of Japan have chosen to solve international disputes with diplomatic solutions. It is the people of Japan, not the United States, who decide how they defend their country and right to live in peace.

Tomoe Otsuki, Montreal (on behalf of Article 9 groups in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver)
The Globe and Mail is Canada’s national quality paper.



トモエ・オオツキ (モントリオール)


