G7に抗議します!「G7 広島サミットの正体」 – パネル展示、トークイベント、街頭宣伝 など G7 Summit in Hiroshima: Promoting Peace or Violence? – Panel Exhibit, Panel Talk, Street Rally, etc. We Protest Warmongering Western Imperialists G7!


Announcement of exhibit, panel, and street protests (see below) 


ツイッターはここ Twitter@hiragi_action



G7 Summit in Hiroshima: Promoting Peace or Violence?

We will hold a panel exhibit as shown in above flyer, from May 7 to 21. There will be an open meeting on May 7. 

A Panel Discussion on May 19, with speakers: 

  • Mineo MASAKI, Researcher of the History of Forced Labour in Hiroshima 
  • Satoko OKA NORIMATSU, Director of Peace Philosophy Centre 
  • Joseph ESSERTIER, World BEYOND War Japan…. and MORE!

Come and learn about Hiroshima war/peace history as well as current G7 deceptions, the lies that they are going to tell people between the 19th and 21st. 

***Street protests on Saturday, May 20th*** Also, World BEYOND War (@WorldBeyondWar on Twitter) and others will do street protests in Hiroshima on the 20th. If you are interested, please email me at japan@worldbeyondwar.org .


An Invitation to Visit Hiroshima and Stand Up for Peace during the G7 Summit




〈記事出典コード〉サイトちきゅう座 https://chikyuza.net/