

日本時間 4/21(土) am 2:30~
アメリカ カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 Institute of East Asian

Towards Long-term Sustainability: In Response to the 3/11 Earthquake and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

day 1 : Friday, April 20, 2012 11:00 AM – 5:30 PM  (日本時間 4/21(土) AM 2:00~ 8:30)
The Fukushima Accident: Causes, Consequences, and Historical Background

11:00-12:30: Discussion with Eiji Oguma (Keio University; paper given in Japanese, RSVP preferred): ― Nihon no Genpatsu to Genpatsu Hantai Undo no Rekishi-Shakaigaku-teki Haikei

1:30-1:45: Opening Remarks

1:45-2:45: Eiji Oguma (Keio University) ― Historical Background of the Fukushima Accident and the Anti-nuclear Movement in Japan

2:45-3:45: Koichi Hasegawa (Tohoku University) ― Anti-nuclear Activism in Japan: Before and after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

3:45-4:00: Break

4:00-5:00: Masashi Goto 日本時間 4/21 AM 7:00 ~ (Shibaura Institute of Technology & Former Designer of Containment Vessels for Nuclear
Reactors) ― Can We Really Control Nuclear Power Plants? Lessons from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

5:00-5:30: Q&A/Discussion

day 2 : Saturday, April 21, 2012  9:30 AM – 2:00 PM (日本時間 4/22 am 0:30
から – 5:00 )

Long-term Sustainability in Contemporary Japan and the World

9:30-10:00: Junko Habu (UC Berkeley) ― Introduction

10:00-10:30: Fritjof Capra (UC Berkeley) ― A Science for Sustainable Living

10:30-11:00: Takanori Ida (Kyoto University) ― Emerging Smart Grid Community in Japan after the March Disaster

11:00-11:15: Break

11:15-11:45: Bob Sam (Tlingit Tribal Member) ― Japanese New Year’s Dish and Overexploitation of Herring in Alaska

11:45-12:15: Mio Katayama (UC Berkeley) ― The Changing Perceptions of Food in Post-Fukushima

1:00-2:00: Reception

This event is free and open to the public.

詳細 http://ieas.berkeley.edu/events/2012.04.20w.html

〈記事出典コード〉サイトちきゅう座 http://www.chikyuza.net/